We Walk Not Alone...

Welcome!! Join me on this journey as we discover what it means to become a more meaningful part of the Body of Christ in supporting and encouraging our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted world-wide.

If you have a story to share about being persecuted for following Jesus or if you have discovered a story that needs to be shared, please feel free to use this site as your outlet.

May you be blessed and challenged to do more for the LORD than you have before and in so doing, expand the knowledge, love, and saving grace of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Update on Pastor Youcef - Iranian Pastor Under Threat of Death

As we have taken time this week to petition the LORD on behalf of our brother, Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, and as such organizations as ACLJ (Amercian Center for Law & Justice) have put legal pressure on Iran and the USA to act on behalf of Youcef, we have discovered that he has refused his 3 chances to "recant" his faith and return to Islam. Praise Jesus for this!!! Youcef is holding onto Jesus. However, his decisions now mean that the Iranian government could, at any moment, fulfill their threat of executing him at any time.

We know, that God holds Youcef's life in His hands, but we also know that we, as a Christian community, have the right to "do justice." (Micah 6:8). It is for this reason that we stand alongside Youcef at this time.
  • By prayer, lifting him up that God might strengthen and keep him, and that the LORD would use this trial for His glory.
  • Legally, that Youcef's life would be spared on account of justice, not crime (Iran's Constitution gives NO LEGAL AUTHORITY for execution based on religion. Rather, the execution command is coming from an Ayatollah - or spiritual leader (Islam) within the country).
  • And lastly, by communication - that you, the Christian community would spread this word to everyone you know, that we might take part of this trial alongside our brother and that we would "remember those who are in chains..."
Please, take a moment to pray and keep Youcef and his family in your prayers. May the LORD be lifted up and exalted, and may our brother be steadfast in His faith until the end.

Peace and blessing in Christ Jesus our LORD-

"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8