We Walk Not Alone...

Welcome!! Join me on this journey as we discover what it means to become a more meaningful part of the Body of Christ in supporting and encouraging our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted world-wide.

If you have a story to share about being persecuted for following Jesus or if you have discovered a story that needs to be shared, please feel free to use this site as your outlet.

May you be blessed and challenged to do more for the LORD than you have before and in so doing, expand the knowledge, love, and saving grace of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Iran's Ayatollah to decide Pastor Youcef's Fate

Christians - PRAISE report thus far!! We have just received word that the Iranian govt. has NOT executed our Christian brother Youcef. Instead,b/c of the international pressure Iran is receiving, they have moved to inquire of the Ayatollah's opinion on what Youcef's fate should be.

 The Ayatollah's is the most powerful Islamist leader in IRAN and translates the actions of the Shariah law. Even though the sign of Iran bowing under international pressure is evident, Youcef is not out of the woods yet. PLEASE, keep praying!!! The ACLJ will be delivering a petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton TOMORROW (Oct 11th) morning at 8:00am asking for the USA's support of releasing Pastor Youcef from prison. IF you haven't signed the petition yet, please do so! If you have, PLEASE keep praying for the LORD's will on this man's life and on those of his family.

Thank you, dear brothers and sisters for having a part in Christ's Body and in the eternal realm!